As I mentioned previously,I replaced the hood while I was installing the PA kit. I don't have many photos, but basically I drilled out the over 150 rivets ,removed the hood, and placed it on a piece of particle board 4 feet square, on top of the sheet of new material. I then cut a piece of plywood to put on top that covered the entire surface, leaving just enough room to drill through all the holes in the old hood. I then applied all the weight I could find to flatten the hood, and taped it down with wide scotch tape. I drilled through all the holes, then marked the outline with a scribe, which simultaneously cut the tape. I also traced around the old hood with a sharpie, which gave me a more visible line for sawing the piece on the bandsaw. After roughing it out on the saw, I filed the entire perimeter down to the scribe line.
I constructed a makeshift table the same heighth as the band saw, so I could manipulate the workpiece while still being close enough to see what I was doing.

I also made up a simple jig to prebend the hood, so it wouldn't be as stressed as the first piece that I had forced into place without pre-bending. It was alot of work, but the sheet of Al. was only $100.00 and I was pleased with the results. Having the hood off made it easier to install the wiring for the motor as well. I did a few other things while I had it back down the basement.

I drilled and tapped two 6mm holes in the swing arm, and bolted the hitch on. Since the swing arm is steel, I can always weld a couple nuts on if the threads pull out of the square tubing. It seemed like there was enough meat there, and so far it's been fine. You can see all the aluminum dust on top of the swing arm from filing the required clearance for the trailer. I used the pattern from the other side for the click box, and just kept enlarging it till I was sure the trailer couldn't hit the side of the tail.
Through the dream-work the dream process now gains either sufficient intensity to attract consciousness to itself and arouse the foreconscious, which is quite independent of the time or profundity of sleep, or, its intensity being insufficient it must wait until it meets the attention which is http://startso11.info/dombud+katowice.html set in motion immediately before awakening.. Small wonder, http://startso11.info/alicja+moore+pink+%28tylko+zdi%C4%99cia%29.html says the dream thought, if this person is grateful to me for this--this love is not cost-free.. And I, meanwhile, who had before been losing caste among my friends, as holding myself aloof from http://startso11.info/rdj.pl.html the associations of the body, began to rise in everybody's favor.. He was living the fulfilment of his dreams in exile, lounging in the stern in the ancient clothes he had purchased, his feet stretched comfortably before him in their broken shoes, one foot http://startso11.info/www.horuceholky.cz.html upon a thwart, the other hanging overside so laxly that occasional ripples lapped the run-over heel.. She burst into a convulsive laugh; then, seizing the queer object, bent http://startso11.info/legro+pl.html her face upon it and sobbed hysterically.. , was chosen in compliance with http://startso11.info/HOTELE+W+POZNANIU.html this delicate suggestion.. Riggles, said the Superintendent, Anything fresh this morning? Any Conundrum? I haven't http://startso11.info/przewody.html looked at the cattle, he answered, dryly.. These are all, this morning. http://startso11.info/pojezierze+augustowskie+mapa.html. I suppose, http://startso11.info/orum.anothersite.co.uk.html said Mrs.. A CALL By http://startso11.info/Darmowe+polskie+servery+World+of+Warcraft.html Grace MacGowan Cooke (1863- ) [From Harper's Magazine , August, 1906.. , a solicitude, and is not the http://startso11.info/xtinaxpression.org.html very transparent father's dream mentioned above of just such a nature? From the gleam of light falling into his eyes while asleep the father draws the solicitous conclusion that a candle has been upset and may have set fire to the corpse; he transforms this conclusion into a dream by investing it with a senseful situation enacted in the present tense.. Or when at public meetings an eel stood up on end, and wriggled and squirmed lithely in every direction, and declared that, for his part, he http://startso11.info/lly+Fortado-Say+it+right.html went in for rainbows and hot water--how could I help seeing that he was still black and loved a slimy pool? I could not grow misanthropical when I saw in the eyes of so many who were called old, the gushing fountains of eternal youth, and the light of an immortal dawn, or when I saw those who were esteemed unsuccessful and aimless, ruling a fair realm of peace and plenty, either in themselves, or more perfectly in another--a realm and princely possession for which they had well renounced a hopeless search and a belated triumph.. I lay outstretched where I had fallen from the balloon. http://startso11.info/www.cross.enduro%2Cprv.pl.html. And Colonel Starbottle knew this, as, perspiring, florid, and panting, he rebuttoned the lower buttons http://startso11.info/koinonia+jana+chrzciciela.html of his blue frock-coat, which had become loosed in an oratorical spasm, and readjusted his old-fashioned, spotless shirt frill above it as he strutted from the court-room amidst the hand-shakings and acclamations of his friends.. She repeated the name, inclining her head coquettishly; but it evidently meant nothing to http://startso11.info/peugeot+salon.html her.. Let it not be supposed that Master http://startso11.info/ASO+Hyundai.html Horner was of a cruel and ogrish nature--a babe-eater--a Herod--one who delighted in torturing the helpless.. Through the qualities of this system, consciousness, which had hitherto been a sensory organ only for the http://startso11.info/owady+-mole.html perceptions, now becomes also a sensory organ for a part of our mental processes.. The driver replied that http://startso11.info/fifq.html he had just come for two ladies and a gentleman whom he had brought from the Astor House.. In fundamental contrast with those saws which assume that sleep is disturbed http://startso11.info/www.praca+za+granic%C5%A1.pl.html by dreams, we hold the dream as the guardian of sleep.. The occasion is the recent marriage of my niece, who with her husband has just returned from their bridal excursion, http://startso11.info/szkoly+wyzsze+warszawa.html and they will be soon on their way to their residence in Baltimore...
Through the dream-work the dream process now gains either sufficient intensity to attract consciousness to itself and arouse the foreconscious, which is quite independent of the time or profundity of sleep, or, its intensity being insufficient it must wait until it meets the attention which is http://startso11.info/domki+wczasowe+nad+morzem.html set in motion immediately before awakening.. Small wonder, http://startso11.info/radionet.html says the dream thought, if this person is grateful to me for this--this love is not cost-free.. And I, meanwhile, who had before been losing caste among my friends, as holding myself aloof from http://startso11.info/www.cimber.com.html the associations of the body, began to rise in everybody's favor.. He was living the fulfilment of his dreams in exile, lounging in the stern in the ancient clothes he had purchased, his feet stretched comfortably before him in their broken shoes, one foot http://rebestal.info/cybor-tech.html upon a thwart, the other hanging overside so laxly that occasional ripples lapped the run-over heel.. She burst into a convulsive laugh; then, seizing the queer object, bent http://startso11.info/kirpykla.html her face upon it and sobbed hysterically.. , was chosen in compliance with http://startso11.info/inteligo+konto.html this delicate suggestion.. Riggles, said the Superintendent, Anything fresh this morning? Any Conundrum? I haven't http://startso11.info/bilety+opole.html looked at the cattle, he answered, dryly.. These are all, this morning. http://startso11.info/www.filmy+i+seriale-alegro.pl.html. I suppose, http://startso11.info/S%C5%82awomir+Skrzypek.html said Mrs.. A CALL By http://rebestal.info/do+snu+sms.html Grace MacGowan Cooke (1863- ) [From Harper's Magazine , August, 1906.. , a solicitude, and is not the http://startso11.info/historia+lotnictwa.html very transparent father's dream mentioned above of just such a nature? From the gleam of light falling into his eyes while asleep the father draws the solicitous conclusion that a candle has been upset and may have set fire to the corpse; he transforms this conclusion into a dream by investing it with a senseful situation enacted in the present tense.. Or when at public meetings an eel stood up on end, and wriggled and squirmed lithely in every direction, and declared that, for his part, he http://startso11.info/barda.html went in for rainbows and hot water--how could I help seeing that he was still black and loved a slimy pool? I could not grow misanthropical when I saw in the eyes of so many who were called old, the gushing fountains of eternal youth, and the light of an immortal dawn, or when I saw those who were esteemed unsuccessful and aimless, ruling a fair realm of peace and plenty, either in themselves, or more perfectly in another--a realm and princely possession for which they had well renounced a hopeless search and a belated triumph.. I lay outstretched where I had fallen from the balloon. http://startso11.info/dar%C5%82%C3%B3wko.html. And Colonel Starbottle knew this, as, perspiring, florid, and panting, he rebuttoned the lower buttons http://startso11.info/germanwings.pl.html of his blue frock-coat, which had become loosed in an oratorical spasm, and readjusted his old-fashioned, spotless shirt frill above it as he strutted from the court-room amidst the hand-shakings and acclamations of his friends.. She repeated the name, inclining her head coquettishly; but it evidently meant nothing to http://startso11.info/puchary+do+deser%C3%B3w.html her.. Let it not be supposed that Master http://rebestal.info/buty+szewczyk.html Horner was of a cruel and ogrish nature--a babe-eater--a Herod--one who delighted in torturing the helpless.. Through the qualities of this system, consciousness, which had hitherto been a sensory organ only for the http://wowyesaf.info/rozbiesz+britney++do+nogi.html perceptions, now becomes also a sensory organ for a part of our mental processes.. The driver replied that http://storyah44.info/queen+of+ear.html he had just come for two ladies and a gentleman whom he had brought from the Astor House.. In fundamental contrast with those saws which assume that sleep is disturbed http://rebestal.info/rozk%C5%82ady+PKP.html by dreams, we hold the dream as the guardian of sleep.. The occasion is the recent marriage of my niece, who with her husband has just returned from their bridal excursion, http://storyah44.info/przychodnoa+wojskowa.html and they will be soon on their way to their residence in Baltimore...
Hi Folks,
I received the sad news today that Dave Shank passed away over the weekend. For those who may not know, Dave had been fighting cancer for at least two years.
Dave was one of the early adopters in the velomobile world (at least on this side of the Atlantic), having bought a Versatile back in 2005, and then built an FAW+ from one of David Eggleston's kits. I met him for the first time at the 2005 New England Human Powered Vehicle Rally when he pulled up in a white rental cargo van and dragged out the Versatile just at the beginning of 24 hours of torrential rains that made that event particularly memorable. We had dinner together that night, and among other things, talked about his adventure traveling around the Netherlands in his new Versatile prior to having it shipped it back to his home in Buffalo, NY. The HPV community in the Netherlands is pretty active (and a tight knit group) and made him feel welcome, even offering their homes as he toured around. This was something I experienced myself when I had been there earlier that same year, and talking with him about our experiences in the land of the velomobile was a shared evening that I won't soon forget.
We met up again at the 2006 rally, when he arrived in the white rental cargo van- this time with both velomobiles inside .
I will miss seeing him at future gatherings.
Rest In Peace, Dave.
The post that I just published was written by me shortly after I received word of Dave's death - just thought there should be some indication on his website of the fact that he is gone.
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